Lords of War (Star Crusades: Mercenaries, Book 1)
Star Crusades: Mercenaries, #1
Reeks: Star Crusades: Mercenaries
- Lords
- of
- War
- is
- the
- first
- novel
- in
- the
- epic
- new
- 'Mercenaries'
- series
- that
- chronicles
- the
- violent
- struggles
- of
- the
- sprawling
- Centauri
- Alliance.The
- Great
- Biomech
- War
- left
- millions
- dead,
- colonies
- burned,
- and
- cities
- turned
- to
- ash.
- Millions
- continue
- to
- endure
- in
- the
- harshest
- of
- conditions.
- The
- Alliance
- attempts
- to
- restore
- order,
- yet
- already
- new
- enemies
- have
- begun
- to
- strike
- at
- will,
- encouraged
- by
- their
- weakness.
- Border
- planets
- succumb
- to
- the
- raids
- of
- warlords,
- and
- many
- doubt
- how
- long
- the
- peace
- will
- last,
- after
- it
- was
- won
- at
- such
- cost.Spartan
- is
- a
- living
- legend,
- a
- veteran
- of
- the
- Alliance
- Marine
- Corps,
- and
- the
- victor
- of
- a
- multitude
- of
- military
- campaigns.
- He
- is
- both
- loved
- and
- reviled
- by
- friend
- and
- foe
- alike,
- and
- now
- lives
- out
- on
- the
- fringes
- of
- the
- Alliance.
- He
- has
- fought
- for
- money,
- for
- his
- people
- and
- for
- the
- very
- survival
- of
- his
- species,
- and
- lost
- everything
- in
- the
- process.
- But
- when
- two
- of
- his
- closest
- friends
- are
- captured
- supplying
- weapons
- to
- the
- desperate
- Byotai
- settlers
- of
- Karnak,
- the
- fight
- becomes
- personal.Since
- the
- end
- of
- the
- war,
- Spartan
- and
- his
- friends
- have
- worked
- to
- create
- an
- elite
- fighting
- force
- based
- at
- Taxxu,
- for
- use
- by
- the
- Alliance.
- Using
- the
- latest
- high-energy
- weapons,
- armoured
- fighting
- suits
- and
- a
- prototype
- Confederate-class
- warship,
- it
- will
- be
- a
- force
- unlike
- any
- the
- Alliance
- has
- seen
- before.
- Spartan
- will
- use
- this
- and
- every
- other
- asset
- at
- his
- disposal
- to
- save
- his
- friends.
- Nothing,
- not
- even
- the
- entire
- might
- of
- the
- invading
- Anicinàbe
- clans
- and
- their
- fearsome
- clan
- leaders,
- can
- stop
- him,
- even
- if
- it
- means
- starting
- his
- own
- private
- war.Lords
- of
- War
- is
- a
- futuristic
- military
- sci-fi
- adventure
- that
- continues
- to
- expand
- the
- vast
- universe
- of
- the
- Star
- Crusades
- series.
- Essential
- and
- unmissable
- reading
- for
- enthusiasts
- of
- the
- Military
- sci-fi genre.