If I were to ask you right now, who are you? Who do you think you are? What would you tell me? What words would you use in defining who you are? Whose standard do you use? Family? Friends? Community? Employer? Husband?
What have others said to you or about you which made you think you are less than? Were words spoken into your life decades ago that seem to rear their ugly head from time to time? Do you compare yourself to others who appear to have it all? Do you wish you were different? Do you wish you could tell those people that you are not what they said you were?
It's time to let it go. Let loose the hurts, the bad feelings, the lies you've believed – all of it. It's time to stop giving the enemy the ammunition he needs that has caused us to question who you really are.
It's time to discover and reclaim the truth of who you are as a beloved daughter of the King.