V02M02 Heretical Missionist
Reeks: Valderia
A. C. Karzun
- “Always
- look
- before
- you
- leap.
- But
- always
- leap.”
- -
- Al-ArkaOne
- thing
- is
- clear
- about
- Missionist
- Al-Arka,
- people
- like
- her.
- She
- is,
- on
- the
- surface,
- nothing
- but
- trouble.
- She
- drinks
- too
- much.
- She
- has
- no
- respect
- for
- anyone
- or
- anything.
- She
- flaunts
- the
- rules.
- And
- she
- is
- good
- at
- everything
- without
- any
- discernable
- effort,
- which
- should
- have
- made
- all
- around
- her
- envious.
- But
- when
- one
- scratches
- that
- surface,
- she
- appears
- to
- be
- something
- special.
- For
- all
- her
- disrespect,
- she
- never
- seems
- to
- rub
- people
- the
- wrong
- way.
- Except
- for
- the
- Missionist
- Council,
- or
- maybe
- just
- anyone
- with
- authority.
- And
- she
- has
- Faith.
- Because
- of
- this,
- she
- was
- not
- kicked
- out
- of
- the
- Academy
- when
- she
- murdered
- a
- fortrin
- but
- instead
- banished
- to
- Karzunidat.
- Now,
- seven
- years
- later,
- Kup-Nawzh
- is
- sent
- to
- bring
- her
- back
- and
- write
- a
- report
- on
- her.
- Her
- mentor
- had
- a
- mission
- for
- her,
- to
- find
- out
- where
- the
- karzunoid
- animal
- creatures
- that
- have
- been
- encountered
- are
- from
- but
- her
- banishment
- has
- postponed
- that.
- The
- Council
- feels
- that
- now
- is
- the
- time
- to
- send
- her
- on
- that
- mission.
- Eventually
- she
- gets
- to
- the
- Red
- Forest,
- following
- in
- Bra-Non’s
- footsteps,
- and
- there
- she
- meets
- the
- lizard
- beings
- he
- had
- encountered
- and
- they
- invite
- her
- to
- the
- Eastern
- Continent
- for
- answers.
- After
- that,
- two
- thing
- become
- clear.
- Firstly,
- the
- fortrins
- still
- want
- ‘justice’
- for
- what
- she
- has
- done.
- Secondly,
- something
- is
- happening
- to
- her,
- she
- keeps
- going
- into
- a
- trance
- where
- she
- writes
- out
- strange
- and
- esoteric
- things
- about
- the
- Kosmos.
- Things
- she
- should
- not
- know
- about,
- such
- as
- The
- Three
- Forces
- of
- Creation,
- Preservation
- and
- Destruction.
- And
- about
- Deities
- divorcing.
- And
- once
- on
- the
- Eastern
- Continent
- she
- learns
- even
- more
- unbelievable
- things.
- Things
- that
- can
- only
- be
- described
- with
- one
- word,
- heretical.Books
- in
- the
- Valderia
- series:
- Overture
- Chosen
- Missionist
- Heretical
- Missionist
- Hellbound Missionist