This book fills that artificial gap in academic knowledge about spinal pain, without which a huge section of medicine has become a weighty appendage of global commerce. In order to avoid a legitimate loss in this struggle of interests, where the cultivated fear of the incomprehensible paves an easy road to the patient's wallet, the author of the publication suggests using the information given by him as a self-tutorial. After all, only when the secret is revealed, you will be able to make meaningful inferences to conduct an independent assessment of your condition and provide effective self-care.
If you are already being offered spinal surgery, for which there are no vital indications, try to apply the knowledge you have gained. It is likely that very soon you will begin to share the author's opinion that simple solutions in medicine have been deliberately replaced by complex ones in order to enrich those who have made a profitable business out of people's diseases.
The book is written in an accessible language and will be understandable to anyone who is at least somewhat capable of reducing cause to effect.
The author of the publication is a writer and publicist, a doctor of neurology with forty years of experience, a chiropractor who has devoted himself to the issues of spiritual and physical health of man.