Get to Grips With Book Keeping
A G Piper
- Bookkeeping
- is
- neither
- dull
- nor
- mysterious
- -
- its
- rules
- are
- logical
- and
- straightforward
- and
- are
- readily
- mastered
- by
- practice.
- Get
- to
- Grips
- with
- Bookkeeping
- is
- a
- substantial
- yet
- easy
- to
- follow
- introduction
- to
- the
- principles
- of
- bookkeeping
- and
- the
- practical
- skills
- of
- recording
- transactions,
- posting
- the
- ledgers
- and
- preparing
- final
- accounts.Written
- by
- finance
- and
- accounting
- experts
- from
- the
- University
- of
- Birmingham
- this
- book:-
- Explains
- the
- purpose
- and
- use
- of
- books
- of
- original
- entry
- as
- the
- basis
- of
- the
- double-entry
- system.-
- Describes
- the
- processes
- of
- recording
- purchases,
- sales
- and
- cash
- transactions.-
- Shows
- how
- these
- records
- are
- used
- to
- prepare
- the
- final
- accounts
- -
- the
- manufacturing,
- trading
- and
- profit
- and
- loss
- accounts
- and
- the
- balance
- sheet
- -
- to
- provide
- accurate
- financial
- statements.-
- Explores
- petty
- cash,
- depreciation,
- partnership,
- company
- law,
- business
- documents
- and
- the
- effect
- of
- changes
- in
- IT.Worked
- examples
- throughout
- allow
- you
- to
- put
- the
- theory
- into
- practice.
- There
- is
- also
- a
- wide
- range
- of
- carefully
- graded
- questions
- and
- exercises
- with
- sample
- answers.In
- short,
- it
- demystifies
- the
- art
- of
- bookkeeping
- and
- gives
- you
- the
- confidence
- you
- need
- to
- tackle
- your
- books.NOT
- TIME?One,
- five
- and
- ten-minute
- introductions
- to
- key
- principles
- to
- get
- you
- started.AUTHOR
- of
- instant
- help
- with
- common
- problems
- and
- quick
- tips
- for
- success,
- based
- on
- the
- authors'
- many
- years
- of
- experience.TEST
- in
- the
- book
- and
- online
- to
- keep
- track
- of
- your
- progress.EXTEND
- online
- articles
- at
- to
- give
- you
- a
- richer
- understanding
- of
- bookkeeping.TRY
- THISInnovative
- exercises
- illustrate
- what
- you've
- learnt
- and
- how
- to
- use it.