Black Light is the story of Verity and Perfidy, orphaned twin girls, who are searching for the truth about themselves and their place in the world. Verity is gentle yet strong. She has an inner strength and an overwhelming need to do the right thing drives her.
‘We don’t get to choose what happens but we do get to choose what we do about it.’ - Verity
Perfidy is cold and ruthless. She is a killer, she trusts nobody except her guardian. She tries to hide the fact that she craves warmth and love.
“That’s the problem with trusting people,” Perfidy whispered in her ear, “they always let you down in the end.” - Perfidy
The Witches Circle take the decision to murder two baby boys which have been born into the Circle. The wrath of the Grey Witch for the taking of her son is terrible. She sets about killing the other witch’s. She declares herself the Witchfinder and turns her murderous revenge on the children of the Witches Circle.
The twins have been mysteriously separated. Verity is visited by a messenger who tells her she has a sister. She resolves to escape from Dark Oak Orphanage to find her. The girls are brought together and set off with their strange companions to make sense of the world and ultimately face the Witchfinder.
Children and young adults care deeply about the world and are all searching for their true place in it. People love to dream about their future and need to believe they can make it better. I think readers will identify with Verity and Perfidy and find them appealing heroines as the twins learn what friendship, family and true love really is.
This story set in the fictional land of Ulysses, runs at about 66,000 words and although I appreciate there is nothing new under the sun, I can’t think of anything that is quite like it in tone.
I’m a 2003 graduate of Stirling University where I emerged as a teacher. I have since left teaching to pursue writing. I have several children’s picture books on sale. (Learn at Bedtime series)
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