Float • Becoming Unstuck for Writers



As a writer, you know stuckness when you see it. And feel it. And, possibly, fear it. Help is here! You may feel shame, or the sense that you're alone with this struggle. Maybe the worst part is not knowing what to do now. Especially after you've tried so many fixes that didn't work.

You're not alone. And feeling stuck doesn't need to be permanent. Use FLOAT to restore your confidence and get back to the pleasures of writing.

Introducing the FLOAT Approach to becoming unstuck for writers: a gentle, stepwise invitation to problem-solving and brainstorming. With a fresh outlook, more than 80 creativity tools, extensive introductory materials, inspiration from published authors, and multiple indexes for easy reference, FLOAT is a handbook to keep handy. Includes online resources, audio tours, and a tools matrix. Use FLOAT and find your way again.

Suitable for writers from introverted to extroverted, quiet to exuberant, woo-woo to pragmatic, contemplative to active, this book offers mindful interventions to rise above writer's block.

An online toolkit and resources, including audio guides, are included with purchase of the book.


  • I expect every reader will have their favorites – some of mine were "Eye On The Why"; "Fence Yourself In"; "Fire The Editor," and "Tell Me A Story." One can learn from Anne's fine work even if one is not stuck. ~ Ed Hess, Professor Emeritus, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia
  • Disruptions in my routine are hell on my writing life. So, I'm proactively turning to Anne Carley's book FLOAT. She writes about the tension writers face between their need for connection and time alone with their projects. Often, it's the tension between these poles, or an imbalance between them, that causes stuckness. ~ Lisa Cooper Ellison
  • I might just flip it open at random to choose one of the exercises/tools just for the heck of it and to keep the writing muscles limber. Also, there's a terrific section of inspirational quotations in the back. ~ Clifford Garstang
  • An amazingly organized, easy to follow "tool kit" for all aspiring writers, helping one to navigate through the fog of one's own distractions and insecurities. ~ Terry Samala de Guzman
  • FLOAT in Anne Carley's hands is a wonderful key to a whole system of helpful tools, insights, and strategies to get you over that initial (and often repeating) hump. Highly recommended for budding, unpublished, and published authors alike! ~ David Clive Price
  • FLOAT is a book filled with magic presented in the form of tools. I had a hard time thinking of anyone who would not benefit from this book – artist, engineer, or manager. The gentle, wise guidance offered to readers is not only helpful, it is a delight to read. ~ Jeanne Schlesinger
  • It's encouraging, professional, and nonjudgmental. This is clearly going to be a very valuable book for writers!
  • I want to keep this book next to my dictionary.
  • FLOAT shows a sensitivity to the challenges confronted by writers, especially the constant flux between isolation and connectedness, pursuing what is in many ways a solitary occupation.
  • It's great to have specific suggestions and exercises that help get the juices flowing again.
  • We creative folks just love fresh, new ideas and this book is chock full of ways to use our creative energy to fuel the completion of our projects.
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