Dr. Edward "Eddy" J. Malcolm is one of the leading
scientists in the Manhattan Project, but greed and
jealousy had other pans for his fate when a friend
came to visit one day. After sustaining a head injury,
Eddy's son Isaac, a neurosurgeon, tried to preserve
his father's memory and knowledge by transferring
all of it into a memory chip. He induced Eddy into a
dream state that played back his life's memories.
Along the way, they discover struggles long hidden,
and Eddy must relive his past in order to overcome
them or be overcome.
In his comatose state, Eddy is placed into a dream in
which he is drafted for the Second Great War. Out of
fear, Eddy created a clone of himself, which knows
only war. The cascade had just begun. Macht, his
clone, the world as it is known is broken, cold, and
devastated. By the use of Macht's own "induced
recruitment or amnesia grenades," Macht found a
way to capture everyone's memories and use them as
a life source. Friend is foe, and foe is who? He and
Okami, his brother-in-science, have slated a new
world order, and to finish their plans is control of
Eddy's mind. Can Eddy face anxiety incarnate, or will
he succumb to his own fears?
"The syringe of vengeance had its toxins injected deep
within my veins. What a Nasty side effect it gave me."