The Revisionaries
A. R. Moxon
- "A
- modern-day
- classic."—Ron
- Charles,
- Washington
- Post“A
- spectacular
- invention.”—The
- New
- York
- Times"Compulsively
- readable."—NPRThings
- do
- not
- bode
- well
- for
- Father
- Julius**.
- .
- .**
- A
- street
- preacher
- decked
- out
- in
- denim
- robes
- and
- running
- shoes,
- Julius
- is
- a
- source
- of
- inspiration
- for
- a
- community
- that
- knows
- nothing
- of
- his
- scandalous
- origins.But
- when
- a
- nearby
- mental
- hospital
- releases
- its
- patients
- to
- run
- amok
- in
- his
- neighborhood,
- his
- trusted
- if
- bedraggled
- flock
- turns
- expectantly
- to
- Julius
- to
- find
- out
- what’s
- going
- on.
- Amid
- the
- descending
- chaos,Julius
- encounters
- a
- hospital
- escapee
- who
- babbles
- prophecies
- of
- doom,
- and
- the
- growing
- palpable
- sense
- of
- impending
- danger
- intensifies
- .
- .
- .
- as
- does
- the
- feeling
- that
- everyone
- may
- be
- relying
- on
- a
- street
- preacher
- just
- a
- little
- too
- much.Still,
- Julius
- decides
- he
- must
- confront
- the
- forces
- that
- threaten
- his
- congregation—including
- the
- peculiar
- followers
- of
- a
- religious
- cult,
- the
- mysterious
- men
- and
- women
- dressed
- all
- in
- red
- seen
- fleetingly
- amid
- the
- bedlam,
- and
- an
- enigmatic
- smoking
- figure
- who
- seems
- to
- know
- what’s
- going
- to
- happen
- just
- before
- it
- does.The
- Revisionaries
- is
- a
- wildly
- imaginative,
- masterfully
- rendered,
- and
- suspenseful
- tale
- that
- conjures
- the
- bold
- outlandish
- stylishness
- of
- Thomas
- Pynchon,
- Margaret
- Atwood,
- and
- Alan
- Moore—while
- being
- unlike
- anything
- that’s
- come before.
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