The Cursed Ground 1: The Child-Stealers

Reeks: Edhai


In "The Child-Stealers," a young man named Boon undertakes a desperate search for his kidnapped sister, aided by a small force of loyal companions. Traveling from the peaceful agricultural community called the Till, Boon and his friends must learn how to face conflict and must unravel the mystery of the fierce raiders who are carrying off children into the wilderness.

“The Child-Stealers” is the first book of "The Cursed Ground" historical-adventure series. Set in a long-gone era when humans lived for hundreds of years and all spoke the same language, "The Cursed Ground" saga tells the story of a group of defenders who struggle to protect their communities from the growing violence in the world around them. Meanwhile, a small brotherhood is charged with carrying an unpopular message to humankind: The Creator has declared that this violent world will come to an end.

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