The Lazy Person's Guide to Being Amazing
Adam Alexson
- The
- Lazy
- Person's
- Guide
- to
- Being
- Amazing
- is
- the
- ultimate
- self-improvement
- book
- for
- people
- who
- pretend
- they
- don't
- care—but
- secretly
- do.
- This
- isn't
- about
- slacking
- off;
- it's
- about
- doing
- things
- smarter,
- not
- harder
- (while
- still
- looking
- effortlessly
- cool).
- Packed
- with
- hilarious
- life
- hacks,
- sneaky
- motivation
- tricks,
- and
- real
- strategies
- for
- leveling
- up
- without
- burning
- out,
- this
- book
- is
- for
- the
- overthinkers,
- the
- procrastinators,
- and
- the
- secretly
- ambitious.
- Whether
- you
- want
- to
- be
- more
- productive,
- confident,
- or
- just
- slightly
- less
- of
- a
- hot
- mess,
- this
- guide
- will
- get
- you
- there—without
- requiring
- a
- 5
- a.m.
- wake-up
- call.
- Let's
- be
- amazing…
- but,
- like,
- chill
- about it.