Where the Battles Weren't
Adam Smith
- Where
- The
- Battles
- Weren’t
- is
- a
- book
- about
- ten
- towns
- in
- the
- western
- United
- States
- who
- share
- a
- name
- with
- an
- important
- Civil
- War
- battle.
- From
- Gettysburg,
- South
- Dakota
- to
- Winchester,
- Oregon
- and
- Petersburg,
- Alaska
- to
- Vicksburg,
- Arizona,
- Where
- The
- Battles
- Weren’t
- takes
- readers
- on
- an
- exciting
- ride
- across
- the
- American
- West.
- The
- Battles
- Weren’t
- covers
- these
- areas
- during
- a
- 17
- day
- road
- trip
- in
- January
- and
- February
- of
- 2013.
- These
- western
- towns
- are
- important
- because
- although
- they
- share
- a
- name
- with
- a
- battle
- site,
- they
- symbolize
- our
- country’s
- resolve
- to
- move
- ahead
- following
- the
- Civil
- War.
- Covering
- everything
- from
- a
- capital
- city
- high
- in
- the
- Rocky
- Mountains
- to
- a
- San
- Francisco
- Bay
- Area
- industrial
- city,
- Where
- the
- Battles
- Weren’t
- gives
- readers
- a
- broad
- look
- at
- life
- out
- West.
- This
- book
- also
- describes
- the
- challenges,
- rewards,
- disappointments,
- and
- triumphs
- of
- travelling
- to
- these
- locations
- during
- the
- winter.
- Overall,
- Where
- The
- Battles
- Weren’t
- is
- a
- spirited
- study
- of
- American
- history
- and
- an
- invigorating
- narrative
- on
- our
- great
- modern nation.