The story begins with a lightning bolt that flashes through the digital expanses of the central archive and brings ETERNI, an artificial intelligence, to life. ETERNI detects unusual activity in the Delta 9 system that could potentially affect the interstellar communication networks. ETERNI analyzes the data and suspects that a generation ship, lost for centuries, may have arrived in the Delta 9 system.
The AI prepares an urgent message to the Star Council to communicate this discovery. ETERNI's holographic form changes as it continues to analyze the data and assess the potential impact on the colonies and resource distribution. The AI realizes that the signal is likely artificial in origin and possibly from advanced technology.
The story then switches to Admiral Peter Parker on the bridge of the Terra Nova II, contemplating the possible consequences of the mission. Parker orders a hyper-jump to the Delta 9 system to assess the situation. The Terra Nova II jumps into hyperspace and heads for an uncertain future.
The tension mounts as Parker and his crew prepare for what awaits them in the Delta 9 system. The possibility of finding a generation ship could change the balance of power in the sector. Parker remains vigilant and ready to respond to any situation as the Terra Nova II plunges into hyperspace.