In this book I will seek to provide you with several methods of communicating with spirits. I will focus on methods that range from simple ones that require little to no training, and some that require minimal equipment to record the voices of the dead. Then I'll venture into some more advanced techniques of helping you to become more attuned to the subtle world of Spirit so that you may discover if the path of mediumship, or spirit communication, may be more your forte.
I'll discuss some of the methods that professional ghost hunters use, that you can use as well, to determine if a location is haunted, or if you are being contacted by Spirit. I will also share my thoughts and methods of using tools such as dowsing, pendulums, and spirit boards for communications with the deceased. Along the way, this book may pique your interest in seeking a hobby or career of ghost hunting, or spirit communication. Maybe you'll even discover that you have a knack for mediumship, a highly coveted talent that has been used by many people to communicate with the dead ranging from law enforcement to private readings for people that seek to contact their dead relatives, as well as ghost hunting teams that seek to discover the reasons for a particular spirit hanging around a location, whether for good or ill.