David Sokal, a once-happy Buddhist monk in India, finds himself back in America without a job and living with his hippie parents in New Jersey who would prefer David leave because they like to walk around their home naked.
Could things get any worse? Yes, they can. David does secure a job at CNC, a well-respected publishing house in Manhattan, but answering phone calls is not his dream.
Unnoticed and unappreciated, David finally gets the attention of his coworkers when they discover his Buddhist monk past and he suddenly becomes their in-house guru. His after-work meditation class soon gets the attention of upper management, including Dorothea Applethorpe, the demanding British CEO of CNC.
David’s life is about to get better. So why is he face down now on the ground in a Midtown parking lot with a policeman’s boot on his head? And why is everyone taking his donuts?