
The Chronicles of Enoch, #1

Reeks: The Chronicles of Enoch


Called "ground-breaking", "paradigm-shifting", and "visionary", the Chronicles of Enoch got so close to the truth that Facebook refuses to list anything even related to it. Unashamedly called "The Series Facebook Tried to Hide", the Chronicles of Enoch will take the comfortable world you are used to and turn it upside down, shake it hard and smugly show you everything that fell out.

All of the stories, you see, are true or, at least, they were at some point.

Over centuries and even millennia, things have gotten confused and changed but the essential nugget of truth is still there, even if it is obscured intentionally or, perhaps, not. Let us peel off the layers to see whether we can find that truth and, having found it, decide whether it was best to just leave it hidden afterall.

You see, there are some things that it's better for humans, as a species, not to know. A select few, they might be able to handle these truths but society at large?

The Preludes take place a number of years before the events of the upcoming Chronicles of Enoch Quintet and focus on the person who is behind all of the obfuscation and manipulation we were just talking about. Learn just how he has done that and, if you really pay attention, you might learn why he is doing it...

pro-mbooks3 : libris