The Mind of Magick is a manual on how you can develop the right mindset for magical work. As you may already know, in the craft of magick, your mind is your most powerful weapon. This is because all true and most genuine magick starts and ends in the mind. In fact, it is said that all magick happens in the mind. It is worth remembering the ancient occult saying, The Mind is All; the Universe is Mental.
The Mind of Magick is not only a book of knowledge, but it is an invitation into a magical journey and adventure aimed at creating real and substantial changes in the mind of the practitioner, thereby creating an atmosphere of magic, mystery, and genuine spirituality.
It is with your mind that you can create changes on the very fabric of reality. By creating shifts and changes in the mind, you can also create changes in the outside world. The world within reflects the world without. As the saying goes, your external world is a reflection of your inner world. This inner world relates to the world of your mind — your mental state.
The Mind of Magick is a manual that aims to establish and create in you the right frame of mind, the so-called magical mindset. The good news is that the mind can be trained and molded. Modern science refers to this ability of the mind as neuroplasticity, which refers to the ability of the mind to be flexible and learn new things, and even create new pathways of thoughts and energy. By training the mind in a magical way, you can make it truly magical.
When it comes to training the mind, it is important to engage in meditation. Even the Buddha recommended the practice of regular meditation as a way to tame the mind. In our world today, so many people are controlled by their thoughts. Sadly, the truth is that many of these thoughts do not even originate from them, but the source of such thoughts is external.
Understanding your thoughts is a very important part of magical life and spirituality. You need to learn to engage and control your thoughts. A wise man once said that if you want to have real magical power, all that you really need is to control your thoughts.
The Mind of Magick teaches you the way to attain and exercise the so-called magical mindset. This will allow you to work magic in your life and create positive changes in your current reality, even your future reality. Now is the time to finally start taking control of your life — and the way to do this is to start taking control over your mind. By unleashing the power of the mind, you can make a big difference and bring about the changes that you want, within and without.
The way of true magic is the way of the magical mind. Now is the time for the true awakening of magical powers; now is the time for magick.