In a world divided by laughter and shadows, struggling comedian Theo Adams stumbles upon a mysterious golden mask in an alley that changes his life forever. Haunted by the mask's cryptic voice and drawn into vivid dreams of Aelithyr—a kingdom fueled by joy and connection—Theo finds himself tasked with an impossible riddle: what thrives in light, fades in darkness, and grows stronger when shared?
As Theo navigates his faltering career, he discovers that the shadows creeping through Aelithyr mirror the despair in his own world. With guidance from the enigmatic Amara, the kingdom's guardian, Theo learns that laughter and connection are not just the keys to saving Aelithyr but also the tools he needs to rediscover himself.
But Theo isn't the only one interested in the mask. A shadowy scholar seeks its power for his own ambitions, forcing Theo into a race against time to protect Aelithyr's fading echoes and bring light back to both worlds.
Rich in humor, heart, and magical realism, The Riddle of Echoes is a story of resilience, the power of laughter, and the enduring bonds that unite us all.