The Little Turnip
"A Russian Fairy Tale"
Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy
- time
- ago,
- there
- is
- a
- little
- Turnip
- an
- a
- unknown
- field.Grandpa
- had
- planted
- this
- Little
- Turnip
- a
- few
- years
- ago
- in
- the
- village.Time
- by
- time,
- the
- little
- turnip
- grew
- bigger
- and
- bigger
- in
- its
- place.Grandpa
- came
- to
- pick
- the
- little
- turnip,
- pulled
- and
- pulled
- but
- couldn't
- pull
- it
- up!Grandpa
- called
- Grandma.Grandma
- pulled
- Grandpa,
- Grandpa
- pulled
- the
- little turnip.
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