A Taste of Gold and Iron
Alexandra Rowland
- Now
- an
- Indie
- Next
- pick!
- A
- Most
- Anticipated
- Pick
- for
- BookRiot
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- FanFi
- Addict
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- The
- Nerd
- Daily
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- io9
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- We
- Are
- Bookish
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- BuzzfeedBook
- of
- the
- Year
- for
- Kirkus
- Reviews,
- Book
- of
- the
- Year
- for
- Gizmodo,
- Must
- Read
- for
- Book
- Riot,
- Best
- of
- pick
- for
- Bustle“A
- delicious
- tangle
- of
- romance,
- fealty,
- and
- dangerous
- politics.”—Tasha
- SuriThe
- Goblin
- Emperor
- meets
- "Magnificent
- Century"
- in
- Alexandra
- Rowland's
- A
- Taste
- of
- Gold
- and
- Iron,
- where
- a
- queer
- central
- romance
- unfolds
- in
- a
- fantasy
- world
- reminiscent
- of
- the
- Ottoman
- Empire.Kadou,
- the
- shy
- prince
- of
- Arasht,
- finds
- himself
- at
- odds
- with
- one
- of
- the
- most
- powerful
- ambassadors
- at
- court—the
- body-father
- of
- the
- queen's
- new
- child—in
- an
- altercation
- which
- results
- in
- his
- humiliation.To
- prove
- his
- loyalty
- to
- the
- queen,
- his
- sister,
- Kadou
- takes
- responsibility
- for
- the
- investigation
- of
- a
- break-in
- at
- one
- of
- their
- guilds,
- with
- the
- help
- of
- his
- newly
- appointed
- bodyguard,
- the
- coldly
- handsome
- Evemer,
- who
- seems
- to
- tolerate
- him
- at
- best.
- In
- Arasht,
- where
- princes
- can
- touch-taste
- precious
- metals
- with
- their
- fingers
- and
- myth
- runs
- side
- by
- side
- with
- history,
- counterfeiting
- is
- heresy,
- and
- the
- conspiracy
- they
- discover
- could
- cripple
- the
- kingdom’s
- financial
- standing
- and
- bring
- about
- its
- ruin.At
- the
- Publisher's
- request,
- this
- title
- is
- being
- sold
- without
- Digital
- Rights
- Management
- Software
- (DRM) applied.
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