The Surrogate


Can a baby contract between friends lead to love?


My life is a mess. You can thank my parents for that. Well them, their drugs, neglect, and manipulation to boot. They're the poster children for why some folks shouldn't have kids, and you wouldn't catch me bringing a kid with my baggage into this world.

That's why my ex was perfect. He didn't want kids. Apparently he didn't want me either.
The jerk cleaned me out, and now the bank is knocking on my door.


I don't do relationships. I simply don't have time. I've spent too much of it working to get ahead.

Now, my father is threatening to take everything away if I don't get married.

Lucky for me, I've got a plan. And the plan's name is Haven. My friend, my fake relationship, and the perfect surrogate - once I convince her, of course.

But with nine months to go, things suddenly don't feel so fake.... and I don't think I want them to be. Now I must convince her she's the one for me.

We belong together – me, her, and our baby.

pro-mbooks3 : libris