The Politician
Club XTC, #1
Reeks: Club XTC
Alicia Armstrong
- -
- The
- Politician
- -To
- the
- public,
- he's
- running
- for
- mayor
- of
- and
- a
- church-going
- family
- man,
- but
- when
- he's
- caught
- with
- his
- campaign
- manager,
- his
- wife
- has
- the
- perfect
- revenge,
- become
- a
- member
- of
- Club
- XTC.-
- Amber
- -Last
- year
- in
- college
- and
- she's
- struggling
- to
- find
- a
- job.
- When
- her
- roommate
- recommended
- Club
- XTC,
- she
- never
- thought
- working
- at
- a
- sex
- club
- would
- be
- like this.
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