SCREEN Therapy: How To Cure Multiple Emotions


Shit happens. Life has bad periods when negative emotions fly around. Some emotions heal naturally;
others remain until therapy helps; and some are buried in the unconscious mind like unwanted rubbish.

Unhealed or buried negative emotions overpower life, making you feel ‘under the weather’, ill. Worse,
if unhealed, other conditions may manifest. Research suggests unhealed emotions may trigger genetic
family traits to spark the onset of heart, cancer or other health problems.

Also, research shows cancer patients’ prognosis often improves if emotions are healed!

‘The earlier emotions are healed, the more health improves.’

Allan J. Sweeney based SCREEN on a psychiatrist’s teachings, and has successfully taught/used it
globally. SCREEN therapy heals unwanted emotions and deep seated emotions.


  • Vivid thoughts of an event create ‘negative’ emotions. If thoughts are less vivid, the mind is freer
  • Feeling not in control creates negative emotions. SCREEN gives the mind a ‘remote control tool’
  • ‘Negative’ emotions result from a negative event. SCREEN links the event to more positive emotions

    ‘HOW TO CURE MULTIPLE EMOTIONS’ is not a con, scam or anti orthodox medicine. If an
    illness not helped adequately by orthodox medicine seems dodgy, Allan J. Sweeney exposed these
    failures of medicine and through general investigations suggests new ways forwards. Academic
    research and case study analysis allay fears of scepticism and the paranormal. When a person isn’t
    helped by a medical dr Allan Sweeney suggests ways to alleviate suffering and improve quality of life.

    ADVANTAGES OF USING SCREEN 1. Years of therapy not needed. 2. Medication may reduce!
    3. Therapists don’t need to know traumatic details! 4. Patients don’t need to tell others their problems!

    TO PREPARE sit quietly. Think of a situation from your past, that still causes bad emotions, feelings
    or thoughts today. Then read and do 20 points one by one to heal up to 6 to 8 emotions in one session!


  • P ermanent – bad emotions from an event are unlikely to return
  • E ffective – a psychiatrist said about 75% improve in one session
  • R epeatable – tell friends and family – this may help them too!
  • F ast – up to 8 emotions or mental issues alleviated in one session
  • E asy – no experience necessary, just follow instructions
  • C heap – free or by donation therapy with high success rates – you’re onto a winner!
  • T estimonials – suggest only safe positive outcomes
  • TELL FRIENDS! SCREEN is one of the quickest, easiest, most effective therapies in the world.

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR Allan’s university writing course gained class merits. International lectures
    given on health, psychic and spiritual subjects for TV/radio, medical, academic and government bodies.
    Search online for "Allan J Sweeney" to find other books by the author.

    ONE PAGE COFFEE BREAK BOOKS aim to offer effective help, in less reading time. Quality
    knowledge is condensed, with no padding or ‘waffle’ – golden nuggets to help you and your friends.

    One-Page Coffee Break Book™ © 2011 Allan J Sweeney All Rights Reserved SCREEN Therapy™

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