Long Trips To Nowhere: Month 4

Reeks: Daily Thought Provokers


Day by Day: Expand your mind's reach, discover other cultures and thoughts, so you can understand your own.

Joining noise and fury to belong in a roaring crowd,
diminish your sensitivity to all that should be allowed.

Start furthering your growth now through what may be the final Long Trips To Nowhere book of daily thought provokers. Discover more about yourself and more about your world. You will not agree with every quote, thought, and poem; but considering each opens your mind to experience more.

No one will give you a free education without hidden agendas. Wisdom and understanding are enthusiastic pursuits rather than academic records. What you know and what you accomplish are becoming far more important than where you studied.

Dancers, hackers, and all people creative don't prosper in common schools. They need crafting tools -- and for society to get out of their way. This book can be your personal enrichment tool, use it.

Yes it is hard to leave even a maniacal killer of a society behind.

She played me like strumming a harp
Music emoted from strings in my heart
For all her life she had perfected her art
Yet knowing my weakness and deciphering the score
Only tore deeper from her aria to depart

A better choice is out there.
Life, she can be very good!

pro-mbooks3 : libris