The 12 Promises of Heaven summarizes the insight gained during meditation by a retired minister regarding the nature of Heaven. It provides potential answers to eternal questions such as: What happens when we physically die?; Does everybody go to "Heaven?"; What is the Kingdom of Heaven really like?; Will we see our loved ones there?; and What is God really like? The answers came in the form of 12 specific promises: (1) You experience perfect peace as you enter Heaven; (2) The beauty of Heaven greatly exceeds your expectations; (3) Every new arrival receives God's blessing; (4) You can find your loved ones here; (5) You live in a mansion filled with great treasures; (6) A feeling of good will permeates everything; (7) The Power of Forgiveness rules Heaven; (8) You are surrounded by Love and Acceptance; (9) Heaven understands your True Self; (10) You are never abandoned or rejected; (11) You travel everywhere at the speed of light and (12) God remains near and always available. The 12 Promises of Heaven provides hope and comfort to anyone concerned about what awaits us all at some point in our human and spiritual journeys.