Half Blood: The Tale of Samara
Alyssa Green
- An
- entire
- town
- massacred.A
- woman
- set
- on
- revenge.A
- magical
- ability
- that
- may
- be
- the
- answer.After
- half-blood
- Samara's
- family
- is
- murdered,
- she
- seeks
- revenge
- on
- Commander
- Dunnberg,
- the
- knight
- responsible.
- While
- on
- her
- path
- to
- retaliation,
- she
- meets
- Andre
- Prier,
- a
- rogue
- knight
- in
- the
- forest
- of
- Dunlow,
- who
- agrees
- to
- train
- her
- for
- combat.Years
- later,
- after
- Andre
- is
- murdered
- by
- Dunnberg's
- mercenaries,
- Samara
- returns
- to
- her
- hometown
- of
- Norwich
- and
- encounters
- Henry,
- a
- boy
- from
- her
- childhood.
- Samara
- discovers
- that
- Dunnberg
- is
- now
- the
- Mayor
- of
- Norwich
- and
- is
- forced
- to
- hide
- her
- identity.
- As
- Samara
- grapples
- with
- falling
- in
- love
- and
- preparing
- to
- take
- down
- the
- treacherous
- Dunnberg,
- she
- struggles
- to
- control
- the
- magical
- ability
- she
- was
- blessed
- with
- as
- a
- half-blood.With
- help
- from
- a
- wolf-pup
- named
- Denali,
- and
- childhood
- friends
- Henry
- and
- Mary,
- it
- appears
- that
- Samara
- finally
- has
- everything
- she
- needs
- to
- take
- down
- Dunnberg.
- But,
- Samara
- begins
- to
- question
- her
- mission
- and
- wonders
- if
- killing
- Dunnberg
- will
- be
- enough.
- Will
- Samara
- follow
- through
- with
- her
- all-consuming
- plans
- for
- vengeance?
- Or
- will
- she
- fail
- to
- kill
- the
- man
- who
- destroyed
- her family?