Siempre hay Esperanza


Esperanza es una chica pobre y sin amigas. Pero, no era así siempre. Tenia amigas y una vida normal hasta el día que su papa murió y su madre se puso muy triste. Esperanza ya estaba decidida que su vida ya sera así para siempre, hasta que un día descubrió algo que traería grandes cambios a su vida. Esta es la historia de amistades y el amor de familia. Este libro se recomienda para lectores entre 7-10.

Esperanza is a poor girl with no friends. Her life was not always like this. She had friends and a normal life until the day her dad died and her mom got really sad. Esperanza had decided that her life would be like this forever, when she discovered something that would bring big changes in her life. This is a story of friendship and the love of family. This libro is recommended for readers from 7-10 years old (in Spanish).

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