Last Flight
The World's Foremost Woman Aviator Recounts, in Her Own Words, Her Last, Fateful Flight
Amelia Earhart
- Amelia
- Earhart's
- account
- of
- her
- ill-fated
- last
- flight
- around
- the
- world,
- begun
- in
- 1937,
- remains
- one
- of
- the
- most
- moving
- and
- absorbing
- adventure
- stories
- of
- all
- time.
- Last
- Flight
- compiles
- the
- letters,
- diary
- entries
- and
- charts
- that
- she
- sent
- to
- her
- husband,
- G.P.
- Putnam
- at
- each
- stage
- of
- her
- trip.
- In
- her
- own
- words,
- these
- dispatches
- offer
- a
- window
- into
- her
- experience
- on
- this
- ground-breaking
- journey
- and
- illustrate
- her
- cheerful,
- charming
- nature.
- Her
- story
- continues
- to
- intrigue
- and
- inspire
- people
- to
- this day.
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