- When
- former
- broadcast
- news
- reporter
- and
- motivational
- speaker
- Amelia
- Rose
- Earhart
- decided
- to
- honor
- her
- namesake,
- aviation
- pioneer
- Amelia
- Mary
- Earhart,
- she
- did
- it
- in
- the
- biggest
- way
- possible—by
- becoming
- the
- first
- pilot
- in
- command
- of
- a
- flight
- around
- the
- world
- in
- a
- single-engine
- Pilatus
- PC-12
- NG.
- Her
- challenges,
- her
- obstacles,
- and
- her
- ultimate
- success
- taught
- her
- invaluable
- lessons
- about
- life.
- The
- most
- important
- one?Learn
- to
- love
- the
- turbulence.As
- Earhart
- chronicles
- her
- own
- journey,
- she
- invites
- you
- to
- explore,
- expand,
- and
- even
- redefine
- your
- own.
- She
- welcomes
- you
- aboard
- her
- adventure
- while
- she
- shares
- life
- lessons
- that
- include
- how
- to
- navigate
- the
- holding
- pattern,
- plan
- for
- emergency
- procedures,
- prepare
- for
- headwinds,
- brace
- for
- turbulence,
- and
- fearlessly
- explore
- and
- boldly
- embrace
- life.Climb
- into
- the
- cockpit
- and
- strap
- in.
- You're
- about
- to
- gain
- permission
- to
- enter
- new
- airspace.
- Earhart's
- wisdom
- will
- uplift
- you
- as
- you
- make
- your
- own
- best
- decisions
- about
- life,
- and
- remind
- you
- that
- nothing
- binds
- you,
- not
- even
- gravity.
- The
- only
- plane
- that
- never
- experiences
- turbulence
- is
- one
- locked
- up
- in
- the
- hangar—and
- you
- were
- built
- to soar.