- "A
- evil
- force
- to
- fight
- another
- one."
- Miss
- Amina
- Delamere's
- book,
- was
- published
- years
- earlier,
- however
- the
- author
- sat
- down
- at
- her
- desk
- to
- rewrite
- the
- book
- based
- on
- racism,
- love
- and
- two
- evil
- forces.
- After
- the
- cosmonaut
- Alexandrei
- Motova
- return
- to
- planet
- earth
- from
- a
- voyage
- encircling
- earth,
- he
- will
- return
- differently
- from
- the
- way
- he
- blasted
- off
- earth.
- From
- an
- attack
- from
- a
- bat
- like
- creature
- from
- outer
- space,
- Alexandrei
- will
- return
- a
- bloodsucker
- of
- the
- night.
- However,
- his
- incubus
- like
- self,will
- encounter
- another
- force
- of
- evil,
- one
- capable
- and
- stronger
- to
- defeat
- the vampire.
pro-mbooks3 : libris