Take control over Your Personal Finance!
As a Single Mother, are you currently suffering from financial crises?
Do you feel like you're carrying the world on your shoulders?
If so, please stop worrying! Now is the right time to get ahead of your situation and I'll tell you how!
As a single mother you joggle multiple activities, emotional issues and of course financial matters. Joggling financial matters already include the living costs, food expenses, clothing, and education of the kids, some extra-curricular activities and a lot more all to be taken from one salary.
In this book you will find chapters (and many more) about issues as:
- How to budget your expenses - control your expenses
- How to negotiate with the bank - understand their language
- Financial Education for kids
- Be your own financial planner for the future.
After reading this book, I'm sure you will feel more comfortable and secure with the financial world. So what are you waiting for? Today your Financial Freedom begin !!!