Customer Success vs. Account Manager


There are still many people out there who do not see the different nuances between the traditional Account Manager and the new Customer Success roles. ?? A hint: CSMs are not rebranded AMs.

?? ?? This e-book will serve you in the following ways =>

?? 1. If you are familiar with the whole "Customer Success is not Account Manager and it is not Customer Support" discussion, you will:

  • deepen your understanding of the differences here,
  • understand how the differences show-up in day-to-day activities,
  • be able to explain it to your team or management.
  • ?? 2. If you are not on board with the whole idea and think that there should be one role for everything, you will still:

  • start to see different angles in how you can approach the same customer,
  • understand your colleagues better and how their perspective might be different from yours,
  • broaden your current point of view and open new ways to see things.
  • ?? You can expect the following topics to be covered ??

  • Context and background
  • Approach in a daily cooperation with customers
  • KPIs and goals
  • Handover from sales to post-sales, alias the start of the post-sales journey
  • Relationship with customer
  • Organisational structure and relation to internal teams
  • When does it make sense to merge Account Manager and Customer Success roles
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