Why should you read this book?
Exam anxiety is a HUGE problem for many students.
But why? What is it that triggers your exam anxiety and how can you master it.
The first step is to learn and acknowledge that there is a problem.
The second step is to "examine" your future exam. Do you actually know what an exam is? How it is prepared and how the teacher is evaluated? Do you know how many different exams and tests there are? Which duties do the Examiner and Censor have? Who creates the Course Curriculum? What is the difference between a summative assessment and a criterion-referenced assessment? Is it true that some people prefer to inflict pain on themselves to avoid uncertainty? What is the difference between an unconditioned response and a conditioned stimulus? How do you improve your exam skills?
All this is just a small part of the things you will learn in this book.
The Third step. Decide. Would you like to learn how to prepare yourself for the next exam so you will not make the same mistakes again?
If this is the case, then this book is for you.
The book also aims to present and disseminate relatively complex and scientific content in a comprehensible and tangible way. It is unnecessary to have an in-depth knowledge of psychology or other mental development tools. There is a great deal of personal experience and real-world examples, and therefore this book will not only be a reading of boring theory.
You will learn how your psyche and physiology react to fear and anxiety and how you can master this pressure.
This is a practical and targeted support tool.