The Giant Chinchilla of Oz is an exciting, funny, thought-provoking and clever mixture of L. Frank Baum, Norton Juster (The Phantom Tollbooth), and Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Eleven-year old Jason Brandt meets Harvey the Squid (a retired cab driver), and Button-Bright (who can't remember his real name), and acquires a pet Expanding Giant Chinchilla (for use in emergencies). Together this foursome must overcome The Two Weevils (Less and Greater, of course), The Spin Doctor, the weird inhabitants of Stationery City and other dangers to bring a warning to the Emerald City before it's too late. Filled with jokes and sly commentary on everything from our Internet-obsessed society to the world of fashion design, The Giant Chinchilla of Oz has something for readers of all ages.