Blood and Rage


Welcome to Candyland.

Blood and Rage will take you right into the middle of this exotic place. It will open up all the hidden and forbidden secrets of the Flats. It will take you right into the middle of the most violent gang-war the world had ever seen.

It starts out with a terrible double murder on a Metro-train between stations. Here, this is not unusual and something the people take in their stride. The difference is, this time this double murder triggers something no one would ever have anticipated. It spirals out into the bloodiest form of revenge the world had ever witnessed.

Corrupt politicians, criminal minded policemen and violent gangsters; you will meet them face to face inside this maelstrom of rottenness.

Instantly become familiar with the history of the Cape Flats and its unique people.
This is a book that will pull you in right from the start. You will definitely read it more than once. Most
importantly, it will leave a lasting impression on you and will definitely not leave you unmoved.

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