Absinthe and Faith


"Absinthe and Faith" is a captivating collection of short stories that delve into the intricacies of the human experience across varied landscapes and emotions.

"The Poet": Follow a wandering poet as he traverses the globe, discovering the raw passion and inner fire of embracing one's true self.

"Eternal": Experience the journey of a professor as he witnesses the growth of his family, exploring the wonders of parenthood against the backdrop of a memorable beach trip.

"Time to Laugh": Join a family on Mother's Day in a heartwarming tale that celebrates familial bonds and the joy of togetherness.

"I Have Faith in God": Venture into the mystique of Rome through a mysterious miracle, unraveling a short story that weaves faith and enigma.

"Evening, a Philosopher Thinking in a Cabaret": Immerse yourself in the avant-garde era of Paris as a philosopher embraces the bohemian and bizarre night, contemplating life amidst the vibrant nightlife.

"A Man Next to a Campfire": Explore introspection and self-discovery through the contemplations of a man in solitude, pondering life's profound questions.

"Who I Am?": Delve into a profoundly philosophical narrative that questions the essence of identity and existence.

"The Spirit": Uncover the resilient strength of the protagonist's spirit as they navigate challenges and triumphs, showcasing the resilience of the human soul.

"Behind the Snake": Enter the afterlife with a character who, having been malicious in life, struggles to comprehend his celestial purpose, discovering a balance between good and evil in the fabric of reality.

"Silence": Immerse yourself in the ambiance of an Argentine café, where a poignant tale unfolds, capturing the essence of human connections and silent conversations.

This diverse anthology promises a rich tapestry of emotions, philosophical musings, and vivid settings that will enthrall readers seeking thought-provoking narratives and profound explorations of the human condition. "Absinthe and Faith" invites you on a journey through time, space, and the depths of the human soul.

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