This first volume of the Extraterrestrial Anthology contains ten original short stories brimming with suspense; each one a dark, fascinating exploration into what extraterrestrial life could mean to us. You will find intriguing characters - human and alien - caught in life-and-death struggles and surprises lurking around every corner. Stories range from hard to soft science fiction. We hope you have as much fun reading them as we had creating them. Prepare to tremble.
The stories are:
Vector — Mark Aragona
A Matter of Survival — Linda Hull
Wisps — Ryan Croker
Exile — Dave Robinson
The Word, Matter — Joeseph Debs
The Experiment — Tanja Bulatovic
Escape From Freedom — Matthew Rout
Escaping Earth — Steven Kochems
Audition — D. Yon Klempner
Aliens and Volcanoes — Michele Tallarita