- In
- an
- alternate
- realty
- where
- magick
- abounds,
- witch
- Elizabeth
- Ghoul
- and
- Code
- Enforcer
- Gareth
- McAllister
- must
- track
- down
- The
- Mage,
- New
- York
- City's
- most
- wanted
- thief,
- or
- the
- five-hundred-year-old
- curse
- that
- vexes
- both
- their
- families
- will
- be
- irreversible.A
- Clash
- of
- Old
- and
- New,
- Dark
- and
- Light…In
- 1559,
- the
- mortar
- and
- pestle
- of
- witch
- Hester
- Omen
- suffered
- a
- curse,
- forever
- condemning
- those
- born
- of
- her
- blood.Now,
- in
- contemporary
- New
- York,
- the
- relic
- is
- stolen.
- Leaving
- Hester's
- descendant,
- Elizabeth
- Ghoul,
- with
- no
- tool
- from
- which
- to
- reverse
- the
- hex.And
- as
- Elizabeth
- soon
- learns,
- old
- curses
- never
- die
- out
- gracefully…Please
- note
- -
- this
- book
- was
- previously
- released
- in
- Prophecy
- of
- Magic
- box
- set.
- This
- edition
- is
- an
- expanded version.
pro-mbooks3 : libris