- There's
- never
- been
- a
- better
- time
- to
- add
- donkeys
- to
- a
- small-scale
- farm.
- Friendly,
- dependable,
- intelligent,
- and
- easy
- to
- care
- for,
- donkeys
- are
- increasingly
- prized
- by
- small-scale
- farmers.
- As
- with
- tending
- any
- livestock,
- it
- is
- always
- best
- for
- the
- keeper
- to
- be
- prepared.
- Whether
- you're
- an
- experienced
- breeder
- or
- a
- new
- hobby
- farmer,
- this
- book
- provides
- information
- about
- the
- ins-and-outs
- of
- buying,
- caring
- for,
- and
- enjoying
- these
- terrific
- stable
- companions.
- Every
- donkey
- keeper
- will
- gather
- a
- bushel
- of
- essential
- information
- on
- keeping
- these
- remarkable
- creatures
- from
- this
- colorful
- new
- addition
- to
- the
- Hobby
- Farms series.
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