Finishing Goals
Affirmation Journals, #2
Reeks: Affirmation Journals
Anna K Payne
- These
- Biblical
- affirmations
- help
- you
- set
- goals
- and
- move
- forward.This
- is
- a
- guide
- to
- lead
- you
- to
- a
- deeper
- walk
- with
- God
- through
- the
- "have
- to's"
- of
- life.Use
- the
- prompts
- morning
- and
- evening
- with
- a
- place
- to
- write
- goals,
- chores,
- appts,
- or
- prayer
- requests.
- Or
- use
- each
- two-page
- spread
- to
- layout
- your week.
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