Angels Heal

on physical, emotional, mental and karmic levels


How do you ask the Angels to heal situations in your life? Why are people ill and how do the Angels see illness? What can the Angels do to heal you? How do they work and what do they expect from you in that process? ANGELS HEAL on physical, emotional, mental and karmic levels is Annelies Hoornik's second book. De Anges have provided another practical book with tips advices and messages. Annelies shares her Angel healings with the reader. By mostly letting the Archangels speak this book gives profound insights in processes that are normally obscured by life. In this book you will find amongst other topics: - Wht do the Angels say about health and healing - Healing on different levels - What to do with outside influences - Personal Angelic healing stories - Healing your life together with the Angels Annelies serves the Angels by passing on spiritual and mystical knowledge they send through her. Her channelings become workshops, books and visualisations. Archangel Michael came to her in visions in 2000 and since than her life has dramatically changed to bring Light, Healing and Love to the world. Annelies is the creatorof the Aquarius Angels® Healing system and the founding director of Angelo-Engelencursus, she is also an ordained interfaith minister and author of several Dutch Books and cd's

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