The Contact with Outer Space is a novel based on an authentic account. The book explores the differences and similarities between life on Earth and life on the planet Zoí, located 37 light-years away from Earth.
The protagonist, Ida, undergoes a transformation that enables her to establish contact with the leader, Morelove, from the other planet. Over many years, he appears to her inner vision, narrating the changes that have occurred on Zoí through generations and their evolutionary progress. Concurrently, as Ida maintains her contact with Morelove, she herself evolves. One day, he informs her that she will have the opportunity to visit him and experience life on Earth. Morelove imparts insights on what each individual can do, as well as collective actions, to foster inner peace and consequently peace in the world.
The book is captivating; each page turns effortlessly. It is also instructive, offering many valuable perspectives on life. Tina Mainz, healer and masseuse
An incredibly thrilling book that has gripped me from the very first word. It is exceptionally well-written and easy to read. I am completely enamoured with it. Janni Qvie, reflexologist