"Life Goes On" is a haunting exploration of the quiet aftermath of tragedy—a story not of why, but of what comes after. When Bianca, a seemingly ordinary high school student, takes her own life, her absence ripples through the lives of those who knew her. Yet, as days turn to weeks and months, her memory fades into the background, and the world around her moves on.
Set against the backdrop of an unremarkable town, the play takes us through the normalcy of daily life—classrooms filled with new students, friends forging new bonds, and parents finding solace in routine. Bianca's grave, once tended and visited, falls into disrepair, a stark symbol of how quickly we are forgotten, no matter how devastating the loss.
"Life Goes On" forces us to confront the uncomfortable truth that even in the face of profound grief, life is relentless and unyielding. It is a story of silence, memory, and the inevitable march of time, challenging the audience to reflect on what it means to be remembered in a world that keeps turning, indifferent to individual sorrow.