Sacred Panache


Writing this novel allowed me to reflect on the ways we navigate our public and private selves. We all wear different hats in life, whether it's as professionals, parents, partners, or friends. In each of these roles, we are often called upon to present a certain version of ourselves, one that meets the expectations of others or society at large. But underneath all these roles is the essence of who we are—our true selves, our spiritual selves. And the journey of life, as I see it, is about learning to bring these two sides of ourselves into harmony, so that we can live in a way that honours both our individuality and our deeper sense of purpose.

Maya's journey of transformation is not an easy one, and I believe that is true for most of us as well. Change, especially when it involves letting go of old identities or roles, can be challenging. We face resistance not just from the outside world but also from within ourselves. There is a comfort in staying the same, in holding on to the familiar. But as Maya discovers, real growth comes from being willing to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. It's about having the courage to be true to ourselves, even when it means facing criticism or rejection from others.

In writing this novel, I was also inspired by the idea that spirituality doesn't have to be something separate from our everyday lives. Too often, we think of spirituality as something we do in private—something quiet, personal, and removed from the world. But I believe that spirituality can be a vibrant, creative force that infuses everything we do, from the way we interact with others to the way we express ourselves in our work, our art, and our relationships.

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