- Gateway
- of
- HealthToday's
- Medical
- Science
- is
- well
- equipped
- with
- advanced
- tools
- and
- techniques.
- But
- unfortunately,
- it
- focuses
- more
- on
- detection
- and
- treatments
- rather
- than
- on
- the
- cause
- and
- prevention
- of
- diseases.
- We
- too
- often
- spend
- time
- and
- money
- on
- correcting
- the
- problem
- but
- always
- ignore
- the
- actual
- cause
- of
- the
- problem.
- You
- need
- to
- hit
- the
- cause
- before
- it
- hit
- you.
- Prevention
- can
- make
- you
- not
- only
- healthy
- but
- wealthy
- too.
- It
- can
- save
- a
- lot
- for
- you.
- This
- book
- is
- about
- causes,
- risk
- factors,
- features,
- prevention,
- early
- detection,
- care
- to
- be
- taken,
- remedies
- and
- treatments
- of
- common
- and
- important
- diseases
- of
- teeth,
- gums,
- jaws,
- and
- mouth,
- and
- how
- oral
- health
- plays
- a
- pivotal
- role
- in
- overall
- health
- and
- in
- the
- ultimate
- outcome
- of
- pregnancy,
- systemic
- diseases,
- Covid-19,
- and
- in
- patients
- undergoing
- major
- therapies
- or
- surgeries.
- The
- information
- provided
- will
- help
- you
- in
- the
- prevention
- and
- early
- identification
- of
- not
- only
- oral
- but
- important
- systemic
- (body)
- diseases.The
- mouth
- is
- not
- only
- the
- mirror
- but
- the
- gateway
- of
- systemic
- health.
- Good
- general
- health
- and
- quality
- of
- life
- cannot
- be
- complete
- without
- good
- oral
- health.
- Harmful
- microbes
- and
- their
- toxins
- from
- gums
- and
- tooth
- infections
- not
- only
- cause
- systemic
- diseases
- but
- badly
- influences
- the
- entire
- course
- of
- the
- disease.
- Poor
- oral
- hygiene
- during
- pregnancy
- can
- affect
- the
- developing
- baby
- and
- can
- lead
- to
- miscarriage,
- low
- birth
- weight,
- and
- premature
- delivery.
- Good
- oral
- hygiene
- not
- only
- prevents
- spread
- but
- complications
- of
- Covid-19,
- including
- death.
- So,
- just
- by
- keeping
- your
- mouth
- clean,
- you
- can
- not
- only
- save
- yours
- but
- others'
- lives
- too.
- Oral
- hygiene
- is
- the
- most
- effective
- and
- affordable
- method
- of
- preventing
- not
- just
- oral
- but
- systemic
- diseases
- and
- thereby
- improving
- overall
- health.Treatment
- to
- correct
- crooked
- teeth
- or
- even
- wisdom
- teeth
- has
- become
- the
- norm
- in
- our
- society,
- but
- we
- have
- never
- taken
- steps
- to
- prevent
- this.
- Actually,
- the
- foundation
- of
- oral
- health
- has
- to
- be
- laid
- during
- childhood
- or
- even
- before
- birth.
- Oral
- care
- you
- need
- to
- take
- in
- your
- younger
- ones
- to
- ensure
- a
- healthy
- future.
- What
- precautions
- and
- care
- you
- are
- required
- to
- take
- during
- dental
- emergencies
- and
- post-dental
- treatments
- to
- prevent
- complications,
- minimize
- pain,
- preserve
- natural
- tissues,
- and
- speed
- up
- recovery.
- Oral
- cancer
- is
- one
- of
- the
- most
- common
- cancers
- and
- leading
- causes
- of
- death
- worldwide.
- It
- guides
- you
- about
- how
- to
- prevent
- oral
- cancer
- and
- even,
- how
- to
- catch
- it
- early
- before
- it
- becomes
- too
- late.
- It
- explains
- how
- to
- quit
- tobacco
- and
- how
- kicking
- smoking
- can
- make
- you
- a
- famous
- millionaire.
- Clear
- all
- your
- facts
- and
- myths
- about
- dental
- X-rays.
- The
- information
- about
- oral
- hygiene
- products
- will
- not
- only
- help
- you
- buy
- and
- use
- these
- products
- wisely
- but
- can
- save
- your
- money
- too.This
- book
- has
- been
- created
- with
- the
- sole
- purpose
- of
- awareness
- and
- education
- about
- oral
- health
- amongst
- the
- people.
- Everything
- you
- always
- wanted
- to
- know
- about
- oral
- health
- and
- dentistry
- is
- answered
- in
- this
- book.
- However,
- it's
- not
- just
- about
- teeth
- but
- life
- having
- teeth.
- It
- also
- enlightened
- important
- information
- about
- how
- to
- balance
- healthy
- and
- happy
- life.
- Layman's
- language,
- clinical
- photographs
- along
- pictorial
- representations
- will
- save
- the
- reader's
- time
- and
- energy.
- Please
- read
- the
- whole
- book
- for
- a
- better
- understanding.Special
- features
- of
- the Book:
pro-mbooks3 : libris