This sequel to Stand, follows the tense journey of Jim Bowles and Maddie Quinn as they travel across Bass Strait and through rural Victoria evading capture by World Unity security forces (WUs). Jim records the whole story in his inimitable style.
It is a tale of how they are transferred from one rebel cell group to another as they struggle to remain undetected. Random searches, town lockdowns and the threat of betrayal, dog their steps. Constantly hiding and under threat, the two work their way toward a secret settlement.
When Jim and Maddie get split up there seems little hope of proceeding with the plan to free Evan Bowles from the rural prison. The network of opposition turns out to be more extensive than Jim imagined and a wild series of events bring them back on track.
The plan is plagued with unexpected complications and the final outcome is thrown into turmoil when the escape route appears to be a trap. Jim is overwhelmed with doubts. He doesn’t know who to trust. Someone helping him has crossed over from the enemy but he can’t be sure who it is.