- A
- powerful
- fusion
- of
- poetry,
- memoir,
- and
- history,
- this
- groundbreaking
- collection
- makes
- visible
- the
- stories
- of
- Black
- women's
- experiences
- with
- medical
- racism
- and
- bodily
- autonomy.
- From
- a
- TEDx
- speaker,
- collective
- trauma
- facilitator,
- and
- advisory
- board
- member
- for
- City
- University
- School
- of
- Medicine's
- Narrative
- Medicine
- Track—this
- is
- more
- than
- a
- book;
- it's
- a
- reckoning."Cooper's
- astonishing
- debut
- collection
- remembers,
- rewinds
- and
- frees
- the
- harmed
- haints
- to
- roam
- the
- hospitals."
- —Rodney
- Terich
- Leonard,
- author
- of
- Sweetgum
- &
- LightningWhen
- medical
- trauma
- meets
- historical
- erasure,
- maps
- the
- terrains
- of
- personal
- and
- ancestral
- memory,
- giving
- voice
- to
- both
- individual
- and
- collective
- experiences
- of
- Black
- women's
- bodies.
- From
- the
- "mothers
- of
- gynecology"
- to
- contemporary
- medical
- discrimination,
- these
- poems
- become
- incantations
- for
- healing
- and
- transformation.UNRULY
- offers
- language
- to
- the
- pervasive
- assaults
- on
- Black
- women's
- bodies
- and
- spirits
- while
- daring
- to
- imagine
- a
- future
- beyond
- this
- legacy
- of
- pain.10%
- of
- the
- author's
- proceeds
- will
- be
- donated
- to
- Black
- Exhale,
- a
- 501(c)(3)
- nonprofit
- organization
- creating
- spaces
- for
- healing
- intergenerational
- trauma
- in
- Black
- communities.www.antoinettecooper.com*****Legacy
- Book
- Press
- is
- a
- traditional
- publisher
- of
- personal
- stories
- told
- via
- non-fiction
- (like
- memoir),
- autobiographical
- fiction,
- poetry,
- or
- a combination.
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