The Cost and Joy of Discipleship
The lack of true discipleship undermines anything that we seek to accomplish in life. Many Christians today never commit to a growing relationship with the Lord and because of this they become unfit to face the challenges in life.
This dynamic study
Covers basic foundational truths which every believer should know and understand,
Challenges every believer to read the Word of God on a daily basis,
Encourages all believers to memorise scriptures that are relevant to use in their daily lives,
Helps all believers to declare the truth of God’s Word in faith over their lives,
Leads all believers to pray effectively over their lives and the lives of others,
Equips every believer to hear and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit,
Prepares every believer to reach the lost and share the Gospel confidently, and
Stirs every believer to walk in the unconditional love of God.
ANTON LABUSCHAGNE and his wife, Anita, served as missionaries to the United States for seven years to minister to the homeless, drug addicts and prostitutes on the street. They have successfully planted a Rhema Family Church in South Africa and are passionate about growing Church families and multiplying the followers of Jesus Christ through dedicated Discipleship training.
1 Cor 11:1 “Imitate me as I imitate Christ”