Single with Children
Reeks: Fortune's Children
Arlene James
- Every
- time
- Adam
- Fortune
- gazed
- at
- his
- children,
- he
- knewthey
- desperately
- needed
- motherly
- love.
- So
- he
- hired
- prettyLaura
- Beaumont
- as
- their
- live-in
- nanny
- and
- thought
- his
- prayerswere
- answered.
- But
- Adam
- soon
- sensed
- that
- something
- wastroubling
- the
- young
- woman,
- because
- in
- her
- eyes
- he
- sawsecret
- fears…and
- unanswered
- questions.
- And
- he
- knew
- thatno
- matter
- how
- deeply
- she
- cherished
- the
- children—or
- lovedhim—they
- would
- have
- to
- overcome
- the
- past
- so
- they
- couldsomeday
- be
- a
- happy family.…
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