Arthur has a wonderful gift for seeing through ordinary life into the soul. His verses are easy to read, and yet they pull at the heart as well as open us up to the core of human understanding. The urge to delve deeper into the meaning of life continues to surface in Arthur’s unique style. This book is not just observations on the human condition... It is a tribute to the spirit of living and being.
“Arthur Weil’s poetry illuminates all the possibilities of life, beautifully, in words that take one by surprise. His insights and revelations give one a profound realization that life is an incredibly rich experience to be savored each day, and that only the examined life is worth living.” – Jerome Kirk
"I particularly dedicate this book to the 1.5 million children who perished in the Holocaust and never had the opportunity to enjoy life." - Arthur Weil
"Enjoy my latest creative endeavor, read just little at a time! Do read!
This is my gift to you." - Arthur Weil